Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:39 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Well. I know exactly what emotional state finishing this will leave me in, but LET’S DO IT ANYWAY.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:00 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Cor Hydrae has some legit gorgeous screens. Up and up we go, because somehow rooftop showdowns are the rule.
A tall staircase bathed in light.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:02 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Still don’t like this plot point, if only because it clashes a whole bunch with (my perception of) Kalas’ character.
Unfortunately it’s kinda the crux of the ending.
Kalas, thoughtful, surrounded by a halo of light, as the party faces Malpercio: “This is... Fee? The Magnus of Life.” Kalas, to Malpercio: “The destructive powers of your End Magnus...” Kalas: “The powers of life that Fee gave me, that we wield...” Kalas: “Let’s see which of the two will claim the world...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:07 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Boss: tall.
Party choices: suboptimal especially with me purposefully not optimizing my decks.
RNG: unkind.
Damage output: ridiculous anyway.
Malpercio v2 has a lifesteal and gets genuinely dangerous when he turns elemental, but if you hit hard enough you barely see that.
Xelha, Lyude and Kalas facing Malpercio. Attack combat turn result, showing 2831 raw damage, boosted +139% by a 8 straight, totaling 6766. Defense turn result, showing 1700 incoming neutral damage reduced to 1319 and further -31% by a 4 straight, totaling 910. Defense turn result, showing 1660 neutral and 660 chronos damage incoming, reduced to 1261 neutral and 660 chronos, totaling 1921. Under the overlay, one can see Kalas with four status effects applied at once.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:08 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
I can see this fight being genuinely tough if you’re low level, can’t pull off number combos or are tremendously unlucky. But otherwise it’s pretty much faceroll material.
The four-status-effects-at-once is nasty, though.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:10 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Less than five minutes later, we prevail and Kalas has A Brilliant Idea.
I like that Mizuti’s powers remain relevant to the end.
Malpercio bent down in defeat, one hand splayed on the ground. Kalas: “Hey, Great Mizuti! Do me a favor and bind this divine blob of grease.” Great Mizuti: “Easy as pie!” Malpercio immobilized by blue lightning.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:12 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Surely there was, at some point, time to explain this plan.
Kalas jumps up and disappears into Malpercio. File under I GUESS yet again.
Gibari: “Kalas! What’re you doing?!” Kalas: “I’ll be back in a second. Behave yourselves, okay?” Kalas: “Melodia! I’m going to pull you out of that pit!” Malpercio still paralyzed, a blue halo on his chest.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:28 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
This gets us yet another flashback to Fee’s death, but this time we learn what Melodia was up to at the same time.
Kalas, holding a dying Fee: “...Fee?! Fee?” Melodia, lying on her bed: “...Who is it?” Melodia walking out of her room.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:32 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Which is when we learn that Kalas went from crushing grief to vowing deadly revenge at all cost REALLY DARN QUICKLY.
(I guess dead bodies just disappear in this world, because he’s not surprised? That makes Mintaka’s later state a bit weird?)
Kalas: “...Am I alive? The blood... it’s gone?! What happened to me?” Kalas, looking sad: “Fee... You’re gone...” Kalas: “I won’t forgive you! I’ll never forgive any of you!” Kalas: “I’ll make you pay for this! I’ll do whatever it takes!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:33 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
The problem when you vow aloud to make a deal with the devil if needed is that the devil might be around and listening
Figure: “Who are you?” Figure: “You want power, don’t you?” Kalas, shocked: “...” Melodia, looking pleased: “I’ll give you power...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:37 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Another one in the “Kalas was never the sharpest tool in the shed” category.
(I am personally allergic to the “doofy male protagonist gets misled by evil woman / girl which he automatically trusts” pattern)
Melodia: “One condition... You have to do whatever I say.” Melodia, looking pleased: “Follow me...” Kalas, looking shocked: “Who are you? Where are we going?” Melodia, looking pleased: “To meet your Guardian, of course...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:39 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
We cut away from that for now - NO IT STILL ISN’T THE LAST FLASHBACK - and follow Melodia some more.
Peachy, Melodia’s maid, back at the mansion: “Lady Melodia!! Are you all right, Milady? Where have you been all this time?!” Melodia, looking distraught: “I’m fine... It’s nothing.” Melodia: “I just, feel a little hot... maybe a fever.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:42 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Do not like. Bad plot point. Unnecessary. No thank you.
Periods as marker of adulthood = nope to begin with, but what the HELL is it doing in here. Nope.
Peachy, as Melodia kneels on the floor: “...?! Lady Melodia! What is it?!” Peachy: “Oh, you’re bleeding!” Peachy: “Congratulations, Milady.” Peachy: “You have become the true heir to the Duchy of Mira.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:45 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Peachy is SO HAPPY, a voice which I guess is Malpercio is also full of promises, flashback done.
Sidenote: we have not seen a single horse at any point in this game.
Peachy: “We will be teaching you everything you need to know to become a respectable Lady of the family.” White text on black background: “Yes, you will claim your birthright... I shall see to it...” Melodia, to Peachy: “Did you say something?” Peachy: “I said you will be taking more lessons, in dancing and horse-back riding, among others...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:47 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
The next section is a bunch of quick-flashing snippets of Melodia, with un-screenshot-able timing.
We see her in the museum, around a weird basin, around the same thing with Kalas, then holding the (Che?) End Magnus, in the Lava Caves, in the Fortress, in Cor Hydrae.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:49 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
That lands us... into Malpercio, I guess, somehow?
But alas, all the calls go nowhere.
White text, on a background of Melodia floating in front of a memory of her time in Cor Hydrae: “Melodia...” Kalas: “I’ve come for you...” Kalas: “I’m not leaving you here alone! Wake up!” Kalas: “It’s no good! I’m not getting to her...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:50 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Kalas eventually asks us-the-spirit-player for help, and that works. Huzzah.
Prompt: “Wake up, Melodia!!” Kalas: “Yes! It’s working! Can you hear us?!” Melodia: “Kalas? ...My dear Kalas?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:53 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Outside, the rest of the party is getting a twinge concerned. (And put their weapons away anyway... I GUESS)
But Impeccable Timing is yet again on our side, and Kalas pops back out with Melodia just as Mizuti’s binding spell wears off.
Great Mizuti: “Argh!” Gibari: “Come on! What’s taking him so long?!” Lyude, as Malpercio starts moving again: “We can’t hold him much longer!” Kalas holding Melodia, in the center of the circle.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:01 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
The leaders yet again decide that personal safety is overrated and join us, as we discover that Melodia’s hair color has changed.
Time to finish things (YOU’D THINK).
Melodia, now with blue-green hair, looking contrite: “...I’m so sorry.” Kalas: “Okay! Let’s put Malpercio to sleep. For good, this time.” Kalas: “Let’s give him a break from his millenium of suffering!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:03 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
I cannot emphasize enough how colossal a drama queen Barnette is
Barnette: “None shall escape from destruction...” Barnette: “None! Not even destruction itself!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:06 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Sure, all the magical McGuffins have been broken, but if we combine all the magical power lying around it should be enough.
Melodia rightfully feels that it’s her responsibility, and possible.
Xelha: “But all three artifacts have been broken... How could we?” Melodia: “The ancient wizards summoned Guardian Spirits, using their power to forge the Artifacts.” Melodia: “I must put him to sleep... poor child...” Melodia and Kalas holding hands, summoning power.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:08 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
The rest is sponsored by excessive particle effects once more.
Malpercio somehow does /nothing/ during all this.
The Sword, the Mirror and the Pendant whole once more, floating in the air. The three witches of Wazn glowing purple. A large beam of light coming from the artifacts. Said beam of light hitting Malpercio square in the chest.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:11 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Xelha says the usual prayer, and Malpercio dissolves into glowing dust. Xelha acknowledges his pain, and off he goes for good.
Xelha: “Cast light upon the darkened earth. Save those lost in despair.” Xelha: “O Mighty Ocean, guide us as we journey through... The darkest pit of night...” Malpercio dissolving into glowing embers, starting with the tip of his head-wings. Xelha, on her knees, holding her hands towards the embers: “Go back now... back to the Ocean...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:12 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Gibari: “So... is it over?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:22 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Cor Hydrae of course starts collapsing. Xelha lags behind for one last prayer.
(Where did they find an Imperial ship...?)
Corellia: “We must go! We’ll be pulled into another dimension!!” Ladekahn, as the White Dragon and an Imperial battleship have showed up: “Full retreat!!” Xelha alone on the rooftop, her hands joined in prayer.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:24 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
From falling debris to a vortex that absorbs all the minions back, in a reversal of how Cor Hydrae appeared.
Except this bruise-colored thing keeps expanding and eventually zaps EVERYTHING.
The throne room of Cor Hydrae, collapsing. A large vortex absorbing an angel-like creature as it grows. The same vortex between the five islands, still growing. The vortex occupying the entire screen, white lights piercing through.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:27 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
This causes the Taintclouds to disappear, and... the islands to start falling.
Hey, Kamroh DID warn us this would happen, after all.
Gibari, as the White Dragon passes over the land: “The Taintclouds... they’re gone!” Gibari: “Is this the real thing? Is this the Earth?” The islands, floating... for now. In Mintaka, everyone lying on the ground: “Woooah!! We’re falling! The land is falling!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:30 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
The falling islands are caught by the Sibling Gods (who are apparently just refusing to die after being killed, sealed, unsealed, killed again, and merged into Malpercio which THEN got banished).
They turn into stone, anchoring it all.
The islands, falling, a dark Sibling God manifesting under each of them. The Sibling Gods holding the islands on their shoulders. The Sibling Gods slowly turning to stone. The islands now fully anchored on the ground.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:31 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
This is IMO a great interpretation of that bit. We’ll see what Origins holds for me!
Profile picture for user Baten Kaitos Posting (The Malpostio)
Baten Kaitos Posting (The Malpostio) @BatenPosting · 08:19 AM · Dec 14, 2020
The Sibling Gods making amends with the world by literally becoming the foundation of the new earth was already a tale of redemption, but it hits differently when you play Origins. This is one of my favorite little details of the game.
Media type: photo Media type: photo
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:32 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Everyone being in one piece while CLEARLY not observing safe dragon-riding procedure is surprising indeed, but well.
We’re done, right? RIGHT?
Kalas: “Everyone in one piece?” Kalas: “Good. Time to go home... Home sweet home.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:52 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Okay, “Victory Banquet”, surely this is the end. Featuring Understatements.
None of it is voiced, which I think is a shame.
Komo Mai at night, packed banquet tables in pools of light. Title card: “The Victory Banquet”. Gibari: “Yo, Kalas! Aren’t you having fun?” Kalas: “Yeah. But I feel a little uneasy.” Gibari: “Oh, really? Well, you’ve gone through a lot.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:55 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Gibari’s being his usual self, well aware of what’s coming but more than willing to enjoy the moment.
(This is why there’s a HIGHWAY for sequels and why writing post-game fic is so tempting, things are far from resolved!)
Gibari: “The world’s been messed up pretty bad by all this fighting. It’ll take generations to rebuild.” Gibari: “We may have regained the green earth, but other problems’ll prob’ly start poppin’ up now.” Gibari, laughing: “Why don’t we just have a little fun tonight, and worry about it later, huh?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:58 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
There should have been a lot more of this during the last act!
As it stands, we only get a bit of it right after the fortress. Then Kalas goes full Hero Protagonist, with no breathing room to process his guilt.
Corellia: “Kalas, you’ve done well.” Kalas, looking down: “No... It’s thanks to the others who trusted me even when I fell to the dark side.” Kalas: “Without them, I’d be part of the Cor Hydrae by now.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:02 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Ladekahn’s line gets at something core to this game’s obligatory thesis (shared with many a JRPG, to be fair) of Stronger Together, but feels poorly edited.
Ladekahn: “Hmmm. That may be true...” Ladekahn: “But it’s our victory because all of you, or rather, people the world over joined together to attain it.” Corellia: “We must join together to rebuild our new world.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:04 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
I’m here for those two being polite to the point of causing a deadlock.
One last perfect bit of character writing for Rodolfo, too.
Corellia: “Thank you for your help, King Ladekahn.” Ladekahn: “No. Many thanks to you for your courageous efforts, Queen Corellia.” Rodolfo: “Hmm. Ahem...” Ladekahn: “Ha ha ha! And of course, thank you, too, Lord Rodolfo.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:07 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Calbren is standing apart, concerned for Melodia but wanting to thank Kalas.
And yes! She’ll get to bear that scar! That’s what happens when you do horrible things.
Kalas: “Duke Calbren, how is Melodia doing?” Calbren: “She’s resting in the palace. It’s just not the right time for her to join everyone.” Calbren: “Even though world peace has been restored, the scar caused by this conflict may last forever...” Calbren: “Melodia must live her life, bearing that scar forever.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:11 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
I like this! It’s good! She did horrible things, but healing without help is generally impossible.
I personally choose to read this as a restorative viewpoint rather than “the baddies are people too”: it’s IMO more aligned with the rest of the text.
Kalas: “The terrible hurt suffered by the world and Melodia is gonna heal with time. You can count on us to [cont]” Kalas: “[cont] be by her side.” Calbren: “...Thank you for saying that. I hope I live to see it.” Kalas: “Yeah. You should live a long life for Melodia’s sake. She’ll need you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:14 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Off to check on Mizuti and be very rude.
Mizuti kept a mask on throughout, even while in the Sky! We have been told that masks were now mostly unnecessary, but have become a fashion statement and a tradition! COME ON.
Kalas: “By the way, Great Mizuti. Why are you still wearing that mask?” Kalas: “The Taintclouds are gone. You don’t need it anymore, do you?” Great Mizuti: “...That be true. Great Mizuti didn’t notice that.” Great Mizuti, unmasked: “... Great Mizuti be feeling a little uneasy.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:19 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Mizuti will keep adventuring and definitely fail to write home often enough, to the despair of Kay and Koh.
... Wait, is Gemma Village on ground level, because then, er, that’d be bad.
Kalas: “So, what are you going to do now, Great Mizuti? Will you go back to Gemma Village?” Great Mizuti: “Huh? Can’t do that. A whole new world be waiting for Great Mizuti.” Great Mizuti: “A new chapter of adventure for Great Mizuti be just beginning. Kalas wants to take part in it?” Kalas, laughing: “Ha ha ha! Sounds like fun! Maybe...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:20 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Clearly nothing to see here
Kalas: “Xelha.” Xelha, looking down: “...What? Ah, Kalas...” Kalas: “What’s up? You don’t look so happy.” Xelha: “Um... It’s nothing. I’m having fun. Really!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:23 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Lyude is, of course, brooding in the dark.
(Worrying about the future of my country is also my constant state as a French person abroad these days but HAHAHA LET’S IGNORE THAT)
Kalas: “Hey, Lyude. What are you doing here?” Lyude: “...Oh, I was just thinking about the future of my country.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:27 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
All legitimate concerns, if short a “and also a ton of people are probably still some degree of indoctrinated and that’s going to be a problem”.
Lyude: “Attacks by Malpercio’s minions have left the once proud nation of Alfard in ruins. Rebuilding will not be an [cont]” Lyude: “[cont] easy task.” Lyude: “There’s no one like King Ladekahn or Queen Corellia in Alfard to guide the reconstruction effort.” Lyude: “Thinking about the people in Alfard, and their future, I can’t help but worry.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:28 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Possibly the most intelligent stuff Kalas has said all game, if missing that Diadem would not be wrong to have a MILD grudge.
Kalas: “But, Lyude... People in Diadem, Anuenue, and the other nations... [cont]” Kalas: “[cont] will never abandon Alfard.” Kalas: “We can help each other. I know we can. Right?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:32 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Not before denazifying the place you can’t, but it’s a good goal to have.
This is why I’m so grumpy that Lyude’s and Savyna’s arcs don’t get tidied up better, for me it’s where some of the most interesting stuff lies.
Lyude: “That may be true. The Empire, that nation that despised others and stood on its own, doesn’t exist [cont]” Lyude: “[cont] anymore.” Lyude: “We can live together, work together, in peace.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:35 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Hey remember that exchange I said annoyed me? Here it is.
This is what a whole bunch of fic writers go from, extrapolating to “Lyude takes over as Emperor, starts reforming things, trouble ensues”.
Kalas: “Say! Why don’t you become one of the leaders of the new world?” Lyude, looking shocked: “Huh? That’s... That’s too much for me...” Kalas, smirking: “Really? I think you’re more than qualified.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:36 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
“Qualified” (debatable as that even is) doesn’t mean “willing” or “it’s good idea” and just... write whatever you want but pleaaaaaase try to be more interesting it makes me sad
Profile picture for user Lia
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:20 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Go
Short version:
1) Since when does Kalas have good ideas?
2) THAT dork taking charge?
3) Instead of burning the entire system down? Are you sure?
4) Let him have some goddamn peace already.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:39 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
(Some of my favorite SFF works are Machineries of Empire, The Inheritance Trilogy, and the Daevabad Trilogy.
They all have in common that the power system sucks, crushes the protagonists, collapses on itself, and, with necessary violence, gets made obsolete.
I’ve got a type)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:42 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Moving on to Savyna, who’s doing a lot better.
(I /also/ have a sweet spot for the amoral monster growing a conscience, though that needs to be handled well, and I think this game kinda fails in that regard)
Kalas: “Savyna... So, what are you planning to do now?” Savyna: “I don’t know.” Savyna: “But I want to do something I could never do before, or never got around to doing.” Savyna: “It’s so strange. I used to never care about tomorrow, but so much has changed.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:46 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
Sure, Mayfee, why not. Lots of fun to be had with that angle.
Mayfee: “Hey, Savyna! Why don’t you learn how to cook?” Kalas, laughing: “Ha! Savyna become a cook? That sounds interesting.” Savyna, smiling: “Humph. Hmmm... Not a bad idea.” Savyna: “Okay, I’ll dedicate my first dish to you two. Better be ready for anything!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:47 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
The section concludes with Xelha leaving quietly, and Kalas following her.
Xelha, looking down: “...” Kalas following Xelha. Kalas standing in Anuenue port as the White Dragon flies away.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:51 PM · Dec 23, 2020 Permalink
I’ll now go complete the last bit, grab all the screenshots and tweet it out tomorrow ‘cause otherwise we’ll be here all night.
Next time: where did Xelha gooooo and Actual Ending I Swear To God