Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:24 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
Well that sure was a month and a half.
Last time on BKO, we went to see Verus, we went to see Baelheit, we actually got our amnesty, and now we’re going back to Verus because I’ve looked up what I need to mix for the medical supplies and it’s in Hassaleh.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:46 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
By “see Verus” I of course mean “hey the amnesty was what was blocking us from the Emperor’s residence let’s go check”.
Good question there.
Inspection text: “Just where do the roots from this tree grow down to?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:48 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
We were told to not wreck anything by the guards at the gates. But the soldier on cooking duty considers us an intruder so, er, sorry, now the cook is dead.
Can finally get the treasure from the intro though! (It’s mold)
Imperial Cook, holding a knife: “Just because I’m on cook duty today doesn’t mean I’ll let an intruder just waltz right through.” The courtyard at the back of the residence, with Sagi standing in front of a treasure chest.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:50 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
Okay Sagi is supposedly 15yo so we’ll give him a pass for not being educated about politics just yet.
(I’ll also spare you the nitpicks about “tapestry”)
Inspection text on the leftmost banner: “This tapestry bears an embroidered imperial crest.” Inspection text on the rightmost banner: “The back has been vandalized: “Lower taxes! Raise wages!”” Sagi: “Seriously...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:52 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
Back into the escape tunnel, we find the wall repaired. Doesn’t look like a wall that would be plaster to me but I guess?
Anyhow we’ll obviously be back for a sidequest
Plaster Trainee: “How about now, boss? Is this wall perfect, or what? I’m pretty confident this time!” Plaster Master: “Not bad, coming from you. I’ll go ahead and call it done. Now, a toast over [blue text] mountain apple wine [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:55 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
At the end of the corridor is... a treasure room? Ooooooh shiny
Sagi standing in the middle of a room with golden floors, display cases, and treasures ranging from scrolls to ornate pots to gems. There are two treasure chests at the bottom. Inspection text: “This regal crown is totally covered with inlaid gems and ornaments. Too bad the case is locked...” Inspection text: “The razor edge of this short sword puts other weapons to shame. Too bad the case is locked...” Sagi, inspecting a pot taller than he is: “They say you can tell the quality from the sound it makes when tapped. This is fine work.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:59 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
... is Jesus canon in this universe
Inspection text: “The exotic script used in this book is like nothing you’ve seen before.” Inspection text: “Judging from the illustrations, it seems to be a martial arts manual.” Sagi: “Amazing... This one guy is using some secret technique to walk on water.” Inspection text: “This chalice is so bejeweled it could probably turn water to wine. Too bad the case is locked...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:16 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
After that good bit of getting sidetracked, we go see Verus, who’s clearly hiding more stuff from us.
Sidenote: I like that Verus is both using his cane stylistically for emphasis AND canonically disabled.
Sagi: “I went to see Baelheit. He said he’ll rescind the assassination charge.” Verus: “Did he mention— Ah, never mind.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:18 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
Oh hey, we’re off to Best Island!
I suspect that bit from Milly is a lifeline for people who may not have played the first game.
Verus: “I want you to fly to Diadem.” Milly: “You mean Diadem, Land of the Clouds? Kingdom of Knights?” Verus: “The very same. Diadem’s military strength is among the sky’s greatest.” Verus: “Securing their cooperation would go a long way toward keeping Baelheit in check.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:21 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
More familiar names. Must be a hell of a young king since he’s not exactly ancient in EW.
Verus: “I’ll let Diadem know I’m sending you. Meet with King Ladekahn and see that negotiations go smoothly.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:22 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
Free travel already...? Can’t be right. Will be nice to see more varied scenery though.
Milly: “Quaestor, the skyliner to Diadem doesn’t sail for a while. Will we be on standby until then?” Verus: “No—I’ve arrange for a private vessel.” Verus: “I’ll need you traveling between continents more frequently now.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:25 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
This bickering gets interrupted by Sagi looking at the two of them then Verus tapping his cane a couple times. Simple puppet theater is good enough, sometimes!
Milly, smiling: “A private vessel?! Neat!” Guillo: “Look at the half-wit grin. No one said it was YOUR private vessel.” Milly, annoyed: “Quiet, you. If it’s Sagi’s private vessel, then it’s my private vessel too, right?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:27 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
Sagi, looking distraught: “Quaestor... what are your orders if an umbra appears in Diadem?” Verus: “Eliminate it. Before Baelheit gets it.” Sagi: “Even if it’s a person who’s transformed?” Verus: “...Correct.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:30 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
Meanwhile, in the villains’ lair, making doomsday weapons
Shanath: “We’ve finished processing the afterling from the Lava Caves.” Baelheit: “Allocate it to Nasca’s machina arma.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:34 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
And did I mention FORESHADOWING. Cloudfools is a good word, must have been a translation challenge.
Baelheit mentions promachination again, more like a... one-time thing than the campaign for machina we’ve had it described as. I have DOUBTS.
Shanath: “Bein is gone, so Celsica is the only one left.” Baelheit: “In Diadem, wasn’t she?” Shanath: “Yes, milord. I’ve already sent a unit.” Baelheit: “I can’t imagine those cloudfools will actually do as we ask.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:35 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
This feels a bit clumsier than EW so far, because actually seeing the villains plot is so... classic? Rather than playing with the character / player knowledge gap as EW did.
I’m sure it’ll manage to turn that around somehow.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:37 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
We then go to Verus talking to his Guardian Spirit (called Daimon), with... the same UI as us, but we don’t control it. VERY neat.
We know it’s Verus because he said he’d consult with his spirit, and this is voiced.
White text on black: “Am I going about things the wrong way?” Cursor in dialog box: “Yes, you are” versus “No, you’re not”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:39 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
And before we can get on the ship, Sagi needs to... go check his mail, so he heads back into Mintaka. Okay.
Next time: figuring out where the heck that wants me to go, because I haven’t exactly seen a mailbox around.
Sagi: “Oh, no—I just want to check if Mom sent any letters.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:47 PM · Jul 29, 2021 Permalink
(It actually locks you into going into the shop, but it’s bedtime so that’ll be the start of tomorrow’s thread)