Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:41 PM · Jul 30, 2021 Permalink
So! We got mail!
Turns out the shop has EVEN MORE features and we can get letters. Okay. At this point I’m just waiting for a fishing minigame to appear.
The Mintaka shopkeep: “A letter and package have arrived for you from Hassaleh.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:45 PM · Jul 30, 2021 Permalink
Mostly just giving news and asking for some, and lecturing Sagi about finding his own goals.
White text on black, from Gena: “Dear Sagi, Have you been taking care of yourself?” Gena, offscreen: “Tik and Wacho are up to their usual antics here at home. Every day’s an adventure!” Gena, offscreen: “Go out there and find something special for your own sake, not just for me or the kids at the orphanage.” Gena, offscreen: “Nothing would bring me more joy than to hear you’ve discovered what you really, truly want to do.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:47 PM · Jul 30, 2021 Permalink
Sagi, you ARE a kid, as immediately exemplified by your reaction to the lecture.
Joke’s on you tho you’ve gotten roped into saving the world
Sagi, pouting: “Hrmm... Allowance? She’s always treating me like a kid. Sagi: “You bet! Helping Mom and the others is exactly what I want to do.” Sagi: “Mom says that doesn’t count, but she’s wrong. It’s good enough for me.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:50 PM · Jul 30, 2021 Permalink
We head back to the port and Milly is VERY disappointed.
Milly: “Vessel, vessel, where’s my vessel...” Milly, looking at three tiny sailboats: “Hey, you don’t think he meant those itty-bitty ones, do you?” Sagi: “He probably did. See, there’s three of them.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:50 PM · Jul 30, 2021 Permalink
Spot the asset recycling!
(Nothing weird, that’s the intelligent way to make games)
Profile picture for user Lia
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:11 PM · Oct 17, 2020 Go
Onto the village and! Horror! Imperial colors!
On a character whose first action we see is getting distracted looking at a bunch of birds flying past. That’s going to turn out to be extremely on brand, so good intro there.
Xelha, looking shocked: “His uniform... Do you think?” Kalas, looking focused: “Yeah. Can’t say for sure from here, but it looks like an Imperial uniform.” The character discussed, all in red-black-gold, looking up at some passing birds.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:54 PM · Jul 30, 2021 Permalink
Luckily we er almost get murdered by a reckless pilot, and it turns out we ARE getting a much fancier vessel.
Guillo somehow doesn’t snark. Why does that last sentence from Milly feel prophetic.
Man, standing in front of a golden ship looking designed for speed: “Master Sagi? I’ve brought you a ship per Quaestor Verus’ orders. Meet the Sfida!” Milly: “Listen, you! Where did you learn to pilot that thing! You almost wooshed us into oblivion!” Sfida Attendant: “Your pardon, miss, but the Sfida is a powerful ship. ‘Twouldn’t be right to hold her back.” Milly: “Are you here to help us or kill us?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:55 PM · Jul 30, 2021 Permalink
And now I’m off to do some more mixing because that salty water has finally dried out. Maybe we’ll make to Diadem today!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:07 PM · Jul 30, 2021 Permalink
Trying out “Easy mode” for combat see how it changes things.
It makes you wait until all bars are full, assigns turn order, and doesn’t fill bars while animations are playing, I think?
It’s less hectic but ends up feeling slooooow because it’s not designed for this.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:13 PM · Jul 30, 2021 Permalink
And there’s still a turn timer that seems shared between characters, so I end up missing turns.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:16 PM · Jul 30, 2021 Permalink
Still, makes it easier to keep an eye on healthbars so let’s roll with that.
I still vastly prefer the EW system which both gives you tactical breathing room and makes turns interesting. This, er, does neither, IMO.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:08 AM · Jul 31, 2021 Permalink
Mixed about all I can mix for now.
And it turns out there’s more mail- WHY AM I GETTING INSURANCE SPAM
Azha shopkeep, UI with list of letters: “Think you’re healthy? WRONG!” and “From Sis at the orphanage” White text on black: “Has the wear and tear of daily battle got you down?” White text on black: “Then what you need is a new policy with Magnus Life Insurance Co.!” White text on black: “(Terms may vary based on element, weapon of choice, past illnesses, deck size, and wings of the heart.)”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:10 AM · Jul 31, 2021 Permalink
I don’t have the words for how much I love this.
Please tell me it’s not an actual game mechanic though.
White text on black: “For more information, please see our instructional pamphlet magnus.” Sagi: “Hmmmm... I think I’m fine. I’m still young, after all...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:14 AM · Jul 31, 2021 Permalink
So, yeah, not making it to Diadem today. Next time I’ll just go check on Georg again and then make actual progress I swear.