Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:14 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
Here we go again because my brain’s too fried to code, but it’s not too fried to go punch a fish.
We’re on island two, Diadem, and it’s full of clouds but also too much water. We need to get to the castle and there’s a river in the way, time to go INVESTIGATE.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:15 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
That, and there’s an Imperial in the village who the game goes to GREAT EFFORT to tell us is DEFINITELY NOT EVIL.
I’m sure that’s not going to become relevant in the near future. After all, Diadem and the Empire are at peace these days, nothing could possibly go wrong!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:36 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
As mentioned last time, Reblys’ primary function is to set up Gibari’s character as a pragmatic rule-breaker who’s not super comfortable discussing his motivations.
(This game doesn’t really dive into his past, just strongly hints that there’s baggage)
Reblys: “Think about what you’re doing! How can you just ignore our village rules?” Gibari: “Sitting around doing nothing like you guys isn’t gonna change anything. I’ll do what I have to do.” Reblys: “Why don’t you ever think about the villagers, and what’s important to them?” Gibari, looking sad: “Hey! Calm down, Reblys. I was never good at these... debates.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:43 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
It’s fun how this game bothers with more “scenes” that strictly necessary, such as them sitting in the boat here.
But it fades to black between scenes, e.g. from “standing on the pontoon” to “sitting in the boat”, to avoid the extremely costly one-off transitional animations!
Gibari in his boat, with Xelha and Kalas at the back.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:46 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
Featuring Tour Guide Gibari doing some foreshadowing for his end-of-game optional quest.
The Diadem island map, showing a small boat moving between locations. The river, Gibari explaining: “They say the “Greater” Celestial River flows around the entire world.” Gibari: “This is one of its offshoots. Hence the name “Lesser” Celestial River.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:53 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
More minor jumping (it’s just pressing A) and waterfall timing puzzles, though this time Kalas doesn’t complain as loudly that he got soaked.
An infinite respawn enemy jumps you on that second stone, so it gets a bit annoying.
The river. There’s an exclamation mark above Kalas’ head right before a jump. A stretch of path interrupted by a waterfall. Kalas, back at the start of the path: “Damn. I won’t fail next time. Let’s run through when the water’s not flowing.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:56 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
Said enemy is the local version of a fishperson, behaving “like a drunkard”, and putting a character to sleep regularly. It’s ANNOYING.
Also on this screenshot: Gibari attacks with paddles, because why wouldn’t he. No, this is still not as weird as weapons get in this game.
Combat screenshot, showing Gibari’s hand of paddle cards and a fishperson enemy.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:18 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
Boss time! There’s a big fish somehow messing up the river all by itself.
More “something’s not quite right with nature lately”.
Our party in front of the violently churning river. Gibari: “What the hell is that?! No wonder the river’s overflowing!” A giant fish monster, with lighting all over it. After the fish has become a large bone and the river has calmed down. Gibari: “That’s a Thunderfish! They were supposed to have died out ages ago!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:24 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
Yes, sure, epic storylines and interesting themes, but above all else: character moments.
Xelha: This is really bad.
Kalas: Is it because we did this extremely bad thing?
Gibari, clearly new here: WAITAFUCKINMINUTE
Xelha: “The world is coming unraveled at the seams. Little by little...” Kalas: “Is it because we broke that seal? Back at that spring in Sadal Suud?” Gibari, looking concerned: “The world... unraveling? Broken seal? Whad’ya talkin’ about?” Gibari, looking pissed: “Hey! Hold on, you two!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:28 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
It’s probably part of this game’s humor to give you a then-very-water-focused character just for the area where everything has 50% water res, SIGH
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:43 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
Push onwards, collect treasures, slaughter local wildlife, rescue drowning kids, blah dih blah just JRPG things.
(Why is NOT rescuing the kids even a dialog option what the hell)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:16 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
Back to the village and SURPRISE, the Empire showed up, who could have foretold this, oh no.
Gibari stops Kalas from starting shit, which will be An Ongoing Pattern.
(Let’s ignore that it’s, like, six soldiers and we could definitely solve that problem pretty fast)
The fishing village with a half-dozen Imperial soldiers around. Xelha, looking shocked: “Imperial soldiers?” An Imperial Soldier: “You’re all villagers, right? Get back to the village on the double!” Kalas, looking pissed: “You talkin’ to me?!” Gibari: “Easy there, kid.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:18 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
Most of the soldiers are cartoon villains telling you not to try and leave OR ELSE. The villagers go “woe” some more. The grandfather from earlier DEFINITELY blames that darn kid Lyude for bringing trouble to them.
But obviously Nashira’s not the goal, the castle town is.
An Imperial soldier: “As things stand, the unit that just left for Sheliak should have no problems getting things done.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:19 PM · Oct 18, 2020 Permalink
Next time, we go to the bar where everyone ran off for more dialog, find the obligatory secret tunnel, and head castle-town-wards regardless of what the Empire says because of course we do.