Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:26 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Let’s distract ourselves from the home country going full fasch by *checks notes* going to recruit the character whose home country is a fascist Empire, woops.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:29 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Probably gonna dig into that more when I reach Alfard, because the Empire isn’t just Cartoon Evil. It’s specifically fascism, complete with child indoctrination, blood purity and more.
It’s interesting that the Commander said “infidels”, too, I don’t recall a religious angle.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:34 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Did you know videogames aren’t political. Aaaaaanyway
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:44 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Kalas giving another serving of his trademark douchebaggery, much to the dismay of Xelha...
Kalas: “Well, you can count me out. All I care about is avenging Gramps and Fee.” Xelha: “Are you just going to leave the people of Diadem in the Empire’s clutches?” Kalas: “Castles may fall, nations may perish. It’s none of my business.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:48 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Unfortunately for Kalas, Gibari has muscles. Animation could be way better of course...
The quick change of mind is interesting: it can be read as “Actually I care”, or as complete cowardice. The first read is IMO encouraged as part of the game misleading you.
Gibari, holding Kalas up: “You’re coming, too. There’s too many of ‘em for Xelha and me to handle alone.” Kalas, back on the ground: “Phew! You could’ve squeezed the life outta me!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:51 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Some decent banter. Actually foreshadowing for when we-the-spirit end up bonded to Xelha, too!
Then we proceed to discuss our plan out loud in front of the enemy, go steal a... flying basket? right under their nose in the harbor, and that’s the castle.
Kalas: “If you get me killed in there, I swear I’ll come back as a ghost and haunt you forever. You’ve been warned.” Xelha: “That’s fine with me. I’ve always wanted a Guardian Spirit of my own.” Gibari: “How about stealing... err... borrowing a small boat from the harbor and flying directly into the castle” A basket-like boat, docked at the castle.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:53 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
The basket also has bad z-sorting against the characters, the back faces are drawn in front of them. I missed the screenshot.
What the heck did they do to this poor z-buffer? Since the thing’s got prerendered backgrounds I really wonder what kind of fuckery is going on.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:59 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Had to relaunch the emulator because the screenshot shortcut went bork, so here are the glitch screenshots! Correct before, wrong after. But it’s also flipped, which might be part of the reason? HMMMMM.
Media type: photo Media type: photo
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:16 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
The castle’s got some battles, but most of them are optional if you succeed at a minigame of sorts. Gibari, it turns out, is trusted with... dispatching knights? Isn’t that random.
Head Knight: “Could it be?! You made it, Gibari! I’m glad... truly glad to see you!” Unit Commander: “Would you like to learn how to dispatch the Knights?” Knight dispatch menu, showing the types of units available. Three knights pushing back two Imperial Elite soldiers.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:40 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
You can “carry” at most four knights, and you recruit more via the power of national pride getting the wounded back in the fight. No comment.
A knight, sitting on the floor defeated: “There’s no way we can beat them...” The quest Magnus UI, focused on the Diadem Royal Crest. The same knight, now standing: “I am a knight - a Diadem Knight. Losing is not an option!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:41 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
And I am GameFAQ’ing the hell out of this one, because there are six fights and they give you unique Magnus that evolve over time. Easy miss for completion!
The Gathering screen with the Magnus collection, focuses on the elemental auras.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:18 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Once we’re done rescuing knights, we go up through a window and up to a balcony to witness The Drama on the central bridge.
On one side, the King and some knights. On the other, a bunch of Imperials, including Lyude and a new face, soon to be introduced.
A knight by a large window: “You... you should be able to go to the floor above us... Please... protect the king...” Kalas, while the camera pans over the stalemate on the bridge: “Looks like the king is still okay.” Imperial Commander: “I await your answer. Surrender now, lest you doom your kingdom and people!” Gibari, from the balcony: “Did you hear that?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:20 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
The Good King: Surely the evil villains wouldn’t do an evil thing!
Ladekahn: “Even the Empire follows a code of ethics.” Head Knight: “They are not to be trusted!” Ladekahn: “It is I, King Ladekahn! I’m coming out. Hold your fire!!” Imperial Commander, to the person next to him: “He’s coming out. You know what to do.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:23 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Meet Ayme, who, it turns out, Kalas has met before. She was actually visible in the intro flashback of his home being on fire, though the odds of you recognizing her are low at this point.
Excellent read from Kalas’ voice actor on that line, too, legit angst.
Ayme: “Yes, thanks for allowing me the pleasure!” Kalas: “...?! Hey! She’s the one that...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:25 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
(Probably worth pointing out that Ayme is a sadistic, unpleasant woman, and ALSO the first / possibly only dark-skinned person in the entire game. BK isn’t unique in having that problem, but it’s still a problem)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:29 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
In an utterly unforeseeable turn of events, the Good King gets shot. (Several times)
Ladekahn, looking pained: “Argh!” Ayme: “Hold it right there, boys! Move a muscle and I’ll blow a new hole in your precious king’s head!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:32 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
In another unforeseeable turn of events, Lyude gets upset because he was assuming people wouldn’t lie. Relatable TBH
Lyude, looking outraged: “The King came out alone, as promised! Why did you shoot?!” Imperial Commander: “Silence. The King must be disposed of... Emperor’s orders.” Lyude, looking distraught: “What? That can’t be true!” Ladekahn, in pain and kneeling on the other side of the barricade: “Damn you! Is this the way of the Empire? The way of your Emperor, Geldoblame?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:34 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Since Ayme’s new, we get some more characterization as Evil-even-by-Imperial-Standards.
Imperial Commander: “You... you’re missing his vitals on purpose, aren’t you?” Ayme: “So, where does His Lordship want to be shot next? Ah ah ah ah!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:40 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
We drop down from our balcony DRAMATICALLY, Lyude switches sides and joins us, and Ayme and Kalas have a little heart-to-heart.
Imperial Commander: “What the?! It’s you!!” Ayme: “You... I know you. That crazy old man’s...” Ayme: “You won’t be getting away this time.” Kalas, looking furious: “That’s MY line! Prepare to die!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:18 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Establishing Lyude as a traitor to the Empire, giving him another facepalm-worthy line with “great” voicework.
He’s still a darn good character overall but... yeaaaaaaaah.
Imperial Commander: “You’re finished... traitor!” Lyude: “Call me what you will, but I stand only for justice!” Imperial Commander: “Godforsaken fool. You seem to fit in quite well with the scum of this nation. We’ll be more than happy to-“ Imperial Commander: “-take you out with the rest of the garbage.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:21 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Another boss, a different Iron Beetle. Not quite as dangerous - it hits hard but is considerably more manageable at current health levels. Main annoyance is that it heals back to full at some point.
Note Lyude’s cards: it’s all trumpets, which somehow are used in a gun...? Wat.
Combat screen, showing a large mechanical beetle with twin drills, and Lyude’s hand of cards filled with trumpets.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:24 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
We hit the Beetle on the head a lot with paddles and trumpets I GUESS, and it steps right off the ledge.
Ayme’s got jetpack boots and escapes without a scratch, and the Imperials run off. Guess our smol team is stronger than all of the Diadem Knights. VIDEOGAMES
The Iron Beetle, tilted 90 degrees and falling off the bridge. Ayme, hovering in the air: “Damn! You’ll be sorry for this!” Imperial Commander: “Retreat! Retreat!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:27 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Snarky Narrator: Oh he will proceed to beat himself up a lot anyway especially after the the next plot point
Ladekahn, lying on the floor, to Lyude kneeling nearby: “Your homeland... You lost it on our account. I’m so sorry.” Lyude: “It is I who must ask forgiveness, for what my people have done.” Ladekahn: “You need not feel responsible for what the Empire has done.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:31 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
I thiiiiink this plus the minigame earlier is the main hint in this entry that Gibari used to be a Knight? We’ll see after the next bit, can’t recall.
Note Kalas sulking in the corner the entire time.
Ladekahn: “Hello Gibari, it’s certainly been a while.” Ladekahn: “Are these tour friends? You saved us from disaster. I’m truly thankful.” Gibari: “We are honored, My Lord. If only we could have come earlier...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:34 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Xelha asks whether there’s some old ominous legend or something, and SURPRISE, there is, but Surely It Is Just Folklore.
Xelha: “Would the royal family have any legends, tales of forbidden places, or old warnings passed down from [cut]” Ladekahn: “Deep in the mountains, behind the castle, it lies dormant within the Shrine of the Winds.” Ladekahn: “These verses were passed down from  generation to generation within the royal line.” Ladekahn: “Yet this obligation came to be regarded as mere folklore from some time ago.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:37 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Let’s go make sure no one’s messing with the Shrine!
Interesting contrast to the character of Gibari, who’s so far been painted as not caring for rules and generally using more blunt speech. He respects the King above all else.
Ladekahn: “I need all my knights to defend this castle. Gibari, I must ask a favor of you.” Gibari, looking serious: “Yes, My Lord. I’ll see to it that the Shrine is safe.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:41 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Obviously Xelha wants to go, Kalas is yet again guilt-tripped into tagging along, and it’s not like Lyude’s got better shit to do anymore.
Good example of Kalas becoming more bearable as he gets more pushback from the rest of the cast.
Xelha, now standing with the others: “I’m going with you.” Kalas as everyone looks at him: “All right, all right. I’ll come with you. Quit giving me “the look” already!!” Lyude: “If at all possible, I’d like to accompany you. I can’t bear standing here doing nothing.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:42 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
A classic videogames fail of logic here is that Xelha has the thing that breaks the seals and should probably stay the hell away from them.
As for Lyude, well. Should also have stayed away, but we’ll get to that next time when we defeat the last boss and wrap up Diadem.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:43 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
His voicework is downright atrocious in this part. Which doesn’t necessarily make it out of character, because he’s verbose in a bookish kid kind of way, and would probably be pretty grating to listen to.
Not that I would personally know anything about that *cough*
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:46 PM · Oct 20, 2020 Permalink
Let’s finish for today by yelling again that this game is PWETTY. All those clouds are animated, which screenshots don’t show.
Diadem’s probably my favorite island aesthetically - it sure isn’t Mira... - and I wish we got more locations there.