Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:32 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
To the cake village! I don’t expect to do much more that the cutscenes plus some minor robbery / exploration there tonight. Might pop into the bizarro garden, but I certainly won’t finish it.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:37 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
Did you think I meant that anything short of completely literally?
I hate this place because it’s too bizarre for my taste, but I’ve got to admit it’s gorgeous.
A pink and white village of sprawling cake walls and cream toppings. Title card: “Parnasse, the Confectionary Village”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:45 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
We go in and two people are arguing about whose pastries are the best. A mysterious young woman comes in and breaks up the fight...
Tisocco: “Enough! I’m telling you, nothing can beat my scrumptious Parsolme! They’re second to none!” Mélodia, still unnamed: “Both of you, please stop fighting. So many of us are waiting for your new recipes.” Mélodia, still unnamed: “I couldn’t possible choose between the pastries you make. Both of you are so talented.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:47 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
There’s less echo on her voice, and at this point we are thoroughly distracted, so most people won’t recognize it immediately.
But it’s the voice we’ve been hearing from the start, giggling and promising doom.
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Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:25 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Go
Obligatory ominous screen with mysterious feminine voice. We’ll be meeting her pretty soon.
White text on a dark background with two floating stones: “The gate to Che has been opened.” “The world is in my hands... I am the blade of divine revenge!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:49 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
She trips and falls, and Kalas helps her up.
TURNS OUT, this is a key moment, not that we realize on the first go.
“I appreciate your help” indeed, he just handed her the third End Magnus.
Melodia having stumbled, Kalas helping her up. Mélodia: “Thank you, dark-winged traveler. I appreciate your help.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:53 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
The bakers helpfully give us context, framing her as A Good Person.
Again with the disparate knowledge: it looks like info for the player AND the protagonist. But if we know the twist, we know that he doesn’t need the info, only we do (and the rest of the party).
Tisocco: “That’s Lady Mélodia, granddaughter of Duke Calbren, Lord of Mira.” Tisocco: “Her parents, the Grand Prince and Princess, died when she was still very young.” Donella: “So graceful, so pure of heart. She’s simply wonderful.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:54 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
They to back to their bickering, cutscene done.
Hey, remember that Valuables screen that had an End Magnus in it? Uh oh.
Valuables inventory screen, showing a distinct lack of Che End Magnus.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:18 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
I’m not commenting on them because they’re boring and uninteresting, but between Geldoblame (who Kalas “wouldn’t want to pounce on him”) and a food-obsessed fat NPC here in Parnasse, the fat jokes count is at like three or four now. Meh.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:22 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
We go into one of the baker’s workshops and run into an old friend of Kalas, who puts us on chocolate-fetching duty from the rival baker, because why not.
Unsure whether the duck-esque tail is just... there, or part of the baker outfit somehow. Who the heck knows.
Trill: “Kalas? Is that you?!” Trill: “Two years since... the accident. My, how time flies!” Trill: “We have a lot of catching up to do, but I’m way too busy right now.” Trill: “Could you stop by Donella’s bakery, and ask the people there if they could spare a little?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:26 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
We go there, get told they’ll trade it for Tisocco’s special pastry cream, go back, take some of that without asking, trade it, hand it in. Riveting main quest content.
I guess it’s not really stealing for once?
Chocolate-mixing NPC: “Well, I’ll think about it if you don’t mind swapping it for some of Tisocco’s Mira cream.” Description: “Mira cream is store in these pots. It’s specially made by Master Tisocco.” Textbox: “You’ve obtained a valuable item: Mira Chocolate” Trill: “Yes, this is it. Thank you, Kalas!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:29 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
That’s our opening for the usual “Hey so any rumors or weird stuff that might hide an ancient evil artifact?”.
Good news, there is, it’s even a “shining Magnus” just like the ones we’re after!
Also the Empire just showed up isn’t that odd really.
Kalas: “Yeah. Has anything strange been going on here recently?” Trill: “For one, the Empire shows up all of a sudden. There was also something about a mysterious, shining [cont]” Trill: “[cont] Magnus.” Trill: “Then, at the far end of the Garden, it appeared out of nowhere! Just like that, out of thin air.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:31 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
The biggest mystery, however, is why Kalas even has friends.
Regardless, off to Detourne The Mystical Garden Of Fucky Gravity we go!
Kalas: “Are you sure, Trill? You weren’t just seeing things?” Xelha: “Kalas, we should go take a look at that garden.” Trill: “It’s not far from here. Just north of town.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:35 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
Hmmmm those stripes at the back look glitchy to me, I think they’re supposed to be in the diamond outlines only. Definitely something with the stencil or other masking!
Still a pretty place. Yes, we’ll end up on the ceiling. MIRA.
A strange garden with water basins, red cubes at the bottom and blue cubes at the top. Title card: “Detourne, the Mystical Garden”.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:42 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
A Helpful NPC tells us a bunch of stuff that... doesn’t actually help except by making things weirder. Blue and red stones? Golden Hero? Pickaxe? Secret door? What?
Helpful NPC: “See the blue stones floating above us? They do so because the red stones are heavier.” Helpful NPC: “A long time ago, there was a Golden Hero who used a single Pick Axe to dig a hole and save his girlfriend.” Helpful NPC: “The door he opened at that time is closed now and that concerns him greatly.” Helpful NPC: “I heard the door would appear again if we found a hero who would open it... but I’ve never seen one.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:43 PM · Nov 03, 2020 Permalink
And all that nonsense will wait until NEXT TIME, because it involves annoying chiptunes, entirely too much backtracking, weird puzzles and a very annoying bossfight.