Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:54 PM · Nov 12, 2020 Permalink
*barges in* WAITAMINUTE why is there a clip of Xelha holding an End Magnus going “Just one more” in the opening cutscene if number 4 gets stolen right from us in the seal room
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:54 PM · Nov 12, 2020 Permalink
(The actual answer is production schedules and a separate team making the video but that’s boring)
Anyway, we’ll see if anything interesting pops up while doing the last sweep through Mira.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:45 PM · Nov 12, 2020 Permalink
First stop: Parnasse.
The window Gibari ate through has been fixed and no one comments on that, somehow.
A random NPC beautifully sums up Mira’s strangeness.
And: no, that ship isn’t technically ours, and I’d like to know who’s driving it back to Ladekahn.
The inside of a house in the pastry village. The window doesn’t have a hole anymore. Random NPC: “Saying this place is normal compared to Picture Book Village isn’t saying much at all.” Other random NPC: “That ship, the one that’s docked in the port, is that yours? Well, it’s quite magnificent.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:47 PM · Nov 12, 2020 Permalink
Next is Détourne and other combat areas to make some more combos.
Rotten Meat plus Fire becomes Pet Food, in a great example of Weird Combo Humor.
I’m making a bunch more Sacred Wine, because I dislike shuffling my decks often and need enough for everyone.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:02 PM · Nov 12, 2020 Permalink
Oh hey, we have our first four-digit damage turn! Those will get more common and then full-on ridiculous.
This game is not that hard, if you vaguely know what you’re doing.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:42 AM · Nov 13, 2020 Permalink
*looks at clock*
Woops. Well, made a whole bunch of money, finished the combos for now, improved decks significantly and got everyone up to the point where I could up five levels.
In good shape for disc 2, I’d say!