Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:02 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
Off we go to disc 2, the Imperial Capital Mintaka, hopefully no flashing due to reflections, and a very, very bad day for Lyude.
(Bad enough that it’ll actually warrant our first content warnings ‘cause fuck’s sake it’s upsetting and mildly gratuitous)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:34 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
(No flashing! My eyes are glad)
It’s “fun” going back to this as an educated antifascist adult and seeing how deliberately Mintaka NPC chatter is hitting every single point of how a late-stage fascist society will look.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:36 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
I also really fucking wish that it still read as cartoon villainy, but alas, it doesn’t. Not anymore.
Will go into details once I dump a pile of screenshots on here.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:45 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
So, we go talk to Mélodia, who takes us onboard her... seashell-rocking-horse-ship-thing, and onto a very very pretty island map.
The tone is set from the start as a whole bunch of marching soldiers show up to greet her.
Kalas, to Mélodia: “Okay. Time to leave!” Alfard island map, showing a golden city and a desert above dark cliffs. A city with machines shaped like brass instruments. Title card: “Mintaka, the Imperial Capital”.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:48 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
This clarifies that the teleportation circles are apparently just how people get off some ships, so my previous questions from Balançoire are now about effective range. ANYWAY.
Niceties are exchanged, a future boss is introduced, everyone leaves, time for HEROISM.
Mélodia teleporting out of her ship in rings of light, in front of ten soldiers and their commander waiting for her. Mélodia: “I thank you for receiving me, Sir Fadroh. My apologies for visiting on such short notice.” Fadroh: “Oh, please. You know that you are always most welcome here.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:50 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
Obligatory strategy meeting in the open, which, oh well
Gibari: “Let’s find out what the Emperor and Giacomo’s men are up to.” Lyude: “Then we should go to my residence.” Lyude: “Both my brother and sister are soldiers. They must know something...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:51 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
Xelha: “Are you sure it’s okay? We don’t have to go if you’re not comfortable with it, Lyude.” Xelha: “If something happens, your family will get into trouble...” Lyude: “It’s fine. Besides, time is growing more scarce as we speak.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:52 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
There’s a key collection item here with no visual cue whatsoever. Boo bad UX.
Kalas standing at the edge of a spoke over the void. Textbox: “You’ve obtained a Magnus: Secret Recipe 6”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:56 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
And now for the Alfard fascist bingo!
- Outsiders are barbarians unworthy of even talking to.
- Outsiders have limited intellectual ability.
- The State by way of the Emperor is working towards a utopia.
A soldier: “... Get lost. I don’t wanna talk with barbarians.” A soldier: “This golden city is probably too highly advanced for the likes of you to comprehend. Don’t stay long!” A soldier: “The ultimate utopia will be created through his glorious vision.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:59 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
Gibari accidentally bumps into a kid, who gives us more bingo squares:
- Rule of the strongest.
- Domination isn’t a right, it’s a duty, the natural order of things so everything works as it should. (THIS ONE IS KEY)
- Kids are indoctrinated early.
Gibari: “Oops. Sorry, kid.” Elite Child: “Why do uncivilized citizens such as yourself even set foot in our glorious Imperial capital?” Elite Child: “Those with the most power always come out on top. That’s how the world is.” Elite Child: “It’s not a right we’ve been granted, but a duty we must fulfill as the chosen people.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:01 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
The “not a right but a duty” part tells me that the writers really, really knew what they were doing here. Because that’s not cartoon villainy, that is /specifically/ fascist ideology.
Cf this excellent primer:
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:06 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
The party rightfully goes “What the hell”, we get the first of many Lyude Backstory FactsTM, which is that he dodged the brainwashing.
Gibari: “What was that all about?” Kalas: “Were you taught to act like that in school too, Lyude?” Lyude, looking sad: “No, I was homeschooled. Almarde, a foster nurse of mine gave me private lessons.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:10 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
We keep exploring, find a guy who tells us about a genius doctor who blew himself up with forbidden experiments over ten years ago.
Dotdotdot indeed, that was Georg, Kalas’ “grandfather”. More on that later.
Man: “Perhaps outsiders like yourselves don’t know that there was once a genius of a doctor living here.” In a sepia flashback of a man in a lab: “That doctor designed the very first Imperial Winglet and the famed Battleship Goldoba to boot.” In a sepia flashback of a man in a lab: “But, as you may know, there’s a fine line between pure genius and absolute insanity.” Kalas: “...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:14 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
The path up is blocked by a crowd listening to a Geldoblame hologram and its convenient summary of the Empire’s ideology.
(Fun Latin Fact: “superb” originally meant proud / arrogant)
Speech Machine: “Hear ye, people of the great Imperial capital! Elite citizens of our mighty Empire!” Speech Machine: “By nature, it is our duty to guide the foolish people of other nations and rule the world with great [cont]” Speech Machine: “[cont] authority.” Speech Machine: “Behold our scientific achievement and superb military force!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:17 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
I’d say it’s a twinge caricatural but we live in 2020 and we get that shit undiluted from some gamers these days, so.
Two more elements here:
- Expansionism as a moral right.
- Unquestioning following of the enlightened leader.
Speech Machine: “Only the strong survive, and only the powerful may rule! All other nations will bow down to the chosen [cont]” Speech Machine: “[cont] elite!” Speech Machine: “Devote your absolute trust, loyalty and obedience to me!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:21 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
We meet one kid who’s still got her head screwed on straight, which of course means she likes Lyude, is getting bullied, ends up questioning herself.
Probably the one instance of Lyude kind of lying, too.
Scalla, a young girl: “Hi Lyude!! What happened? Did you get some days off?” Lyude: “Umm, yes... Something like that.” Scalla: “Everyone’s been ignoring me lately. They asked me if I’m really from the Empire.” Scalla: “Is it me? Am I acting weird?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:22 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
(I can understand why this last bit is not followed by fifteen textboxes of him reassuring her that she’s in the right, but in character he’d definitely do it and have to get dragged away by the others because TIME)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:26 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
More background lore dump.
Operation Sweep in Azha.
The Mad Wolf Unit.
And a certain Lady Death.
No DotDotDot from Savyna, they’re saving that reveal for later, but she’s been using the name in her finisher announcements, sooooooo
Soldier 1: “This atmosphere lately... reminds me of Operation Sweep in Azha. It was so hot.” Soldier 2: “But I’ll never work with the Mad Wolf Unit again, that’s for sure. They’re literally like mad wolves.” Soldier 2: “Then there was that one soldier, remember? Wasn’t there someone called Lady [cont]” Soldier 2: “[cont] Death? She was a cold-blooded killing machine.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:30 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
We go to the stairs and the soldiers start bringing up the Events in Diadem, propaganda eaten whole, which leads into more backstory...
(Let’s ignore the fact that said “punk” is right there and probably pretty darn easy to spot)
Soldier 1: “Hey, did you hear the news? Seems there was quite a ruckus in Diadem.” Soldier 2: “Yeah, the Royal Knights were supposedly preparing for battle with the Empire in secret.” Soldier 2: “Remember that young punk who caused a lot of trouble and was exiled to Diadem?” Soldier 2: “Seems he’s turned his back on the Empire and works with the enemy now.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:34 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
Gives us another bingo square tho:
- Questioning things is inadequacy is inferiority.
Soldier 3: “You mean that idiot caught up in the Azha incident a couple of years ago? The one who turned on this [cont]” Soldier 3: “[cont] superior officer?” Soldier 1: “It’s just unbelievable. How could he betray his own country and side with the barbarians?” Soldier 2: “Some people just don’t have what it takes to keep up with the Empire. Either that, or just a bad apple.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:37 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
In case that didn’t make enough sense, we get the clearer version.
Kalas: “Lyude? Why exactly were you transferred to Diadem anyway?” Lyude: “There’s a small village called Azha just south of Mintaka.” Lyude: “The unit I used to belong to was ordered to raid that village.” Lyude: “I objected to the order, and confronted my commander.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:40 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
And the answer to the unspoken “why didn’t you just get shot on the spot tho”.
(Also: one reason the age thing gets weird, ‘cause with the timeline Lyude was SIXTEEN at that point)
Lyude: “I refused to take part in that mission, and was supposed to be court martialed because of it.” Lyude: “But because of my family, which has served the Emperor for generations, they demoted me [cont]” Lyude: “[cont] instead. Hence my transfer to Diadem.” Lyude: “My brother and sister were high-ranking officers as well.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:42 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
For the sake of reminders, it’s not like he was ever subtle about the posting being a punishment of sorts.
Profile picture for user Lia
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:31 PM · Oct 17, 2020 Go
And starts hinting with the subtlety of a bulldozer that the whole Ambassador thing is kinda bullshit.
Lyude: “Yes. My name is Lyude, Imperial Ambassador to Diadem.” Lyude: “... Yet the title of “Ambassador” is but a name. An excuse for sending me away.” Lyude, looking distraught: “Besides, the Empire cares very little about people of other nations...” Lyude: “Thus, my post is much less important than it sounds.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:45 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
Moving on, we add:
- Showing loyalty via providing bodies to the war effort.
Fascists are REALLY FOND of helping (the right kind of) people have and raise a lot of (the right kind of) kids.
Panaway’s Mother: “My son was accepted into the Imperial Army. He’s quite exceptional compared to others kids [his age].” Panaway’s Mother: “Now my husband and I have proven our loyalty to the Emperor.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:49 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
- Trade is overrated, domestic production is automatically better. (Instead of a complex sustainability calculus)
And some background on Azha, which is part of the Empire but not really:
- Enemies and inferiors exist internally and must be kept down.
Soldier: “Ha ha ha, that’s right. Foreign merchandise can’t compared to that of the Empire!” Random NPC: “It’s a filthy village, full of coal miners. They’re very different from our people in the Imperial City.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:52 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
Hints that something’s big coming include whispers of a “weapon to rival the power of the gods”, and a worried person fixing machines “just in case”.
Random NPC: “I heard that its power is so strong that it’s equal to that of the legendary gods from ancient times.” Random NPC: “Something big is going to happen soon. I can feel it. No doubt.” Random NPC: “That’s why I’m trying to fix up the machines before it’s too late. So they may prove useful when the [cont]” Random NPC: “[cont] time comes.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:53 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
Another undertone is the classic Nature versus Machine thing via Wings of the Heart versus Winglets and other machines.
But it’s not really explored in-depth either here or in the game at large, so I won’t get into it. Not enough material.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:55 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Permalink
Off to Lyude’s house, I’m sure his high officers siblings are lovely and definitely won’t be a problem.
UNRELATEDLY, content warning for abusive family members and death of a loved one when that comes up, will tag again in relevant tweets.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:35 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
Lyude, outside: “Please enter by all means. This is my... or was my home.” Lyude: “My family has belonged to the Imperial army for generations.” Lyude: “But I caused a lot of problems. My brother and sister may never forgive me...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:40 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
Tick another Tragic Backstory box.
Xelha: “What about your parents?” Lyude: “My mother died just after I was born, and my father died in action.” Lyude: “Don’t be. I was raised by a wonderful foster nurses named Almarde. She was always so kind to [cont]” Lyude: “[cont] me”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:42 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
Enter Almarde, who seems nice. Maybe things will be fi-
Enter the brother and sister, who seem less nice.
Almarde, unnamed: “Oh, it’s my boy! Welcome home, Lyude!” Lyude, smiling: “Hi, Almarde. Long time no...” Skeed, unnamed: “Never thought I’d see you back here.” Lyude, looking worried: “Brother... sister...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:45 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
[cw: abusive siblings]
They’ve brought the cavalry and they’re pointing guns at the party. Charming.
One more loyalty test for Lyude ‘cause he hadn’t gotten enough of those, and more suspicion / rage from Kalas ‘cause that was lacking too.
Outside: a large Imperial Iron Beetle and a whole bunch of soldiers. Skeed: “Come over here. This is your chance to rejoin the Empire. Just hand them over to us, and you’re back in.” Vallye: “What are you waiting for? Come to us, Lyude! You know what to do!” Kalas: “Lyude? You set us up, didn’t you?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:48 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
Look, Skeed, you kind of started the whole gun pointing thing.
Skeed: “How can you point a gun at your own brother?!” Lyude: “We only stopped by to get some details about the Emperor, what he’s been up to.” Lyude: “Please. Let us go!” Skeed: “No. If I let you go, our family is finished!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:52 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
To be fair to them they kind of have a good reason to be pieces of shit /right now/, but they could also just join our merry crew.
(Again, betraying a fascist State is the only defensible position)
Skeed: “If we just up and let you go, Vallye and I will be executed for treason.” Skeed: “If you insist on going with them, you’ll have to get through us first.” Lyude, looking sad and having lowered his gun: “No... I can’t do it... I can’t shoot my brother and sister.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:56 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
[re-cw for abusive siblings]
They don’t seem all that sorry about having to do a murder, though.
That “stone-carver’s blood” jab plus hair colors (dark for Skeed and Vallye, bright for Almarde and Lyude) is most of the hinting we get that Something Might Be Up Lineage-Wise.
Skeed: “You maggot! You haven’t changed a bit!” Skeed: “It must be the stone carver’s blood in your veins.” Vallye: “You’ve disgraced our family name beyond redemption.” Vallye: “How could you be such a coward?! It’s time to erase the stigma. Good-bye Lyude!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:58 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
Almarde pulls out one of the standard-issue guns from... somewhere and makes things into a stand-off again.
Almarde pointing a gun at Skeed and Vallye. Almarde: “Next time, I won’t miss! I’m serious.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:00 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
Turns out she also has the info we need! Maybe things will be fine after all?
Almarde: “Emperor Geldoblame is abord the Battleship Goldoba hovering in the sky above Mintaka at this very [cont]” Almarde: [cont] moment.” Lyude, distraught: “But you...” Almarde: “Don’t worry about me... Hurry!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:05 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
[cw: murder]
Nope, they sure won’t. Skeed and Vallye shoot her down, which TBH they’ve probably wanted to do for a decade plus, and run off when Kalas goes at them with a sword.
Lyude, as Almarde collapses: “...!!” Skeed and Vallye run off, Lyude picks up Almarde.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:08 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
[cw: family death, blood in illustration]
Look, plot, did we really have to pack ALL THE TRAGEDY onto the same character. Not to mention the usual JRPG absurdity of death being a thing while we carry resurrection items.
(I don’t like this plot beat)
Almarde, dying: “P... please... go...” Lyude, crying: “I won’t leave you here!” Almarde: “Don’t be foolish. There are things you must do...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:11 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
[cw: family death, blood in illustration]
A touch more background: she’s from Azha, which likely contributed to the whole brainwashing avoidance thing.
Bye Almarde, we hardly knew ye, see you in BKO.
Not technically fridging but frankly crass anyway, if you ask me.
Almarde: “Since you refused to attack my village, Azha... for me... this whole mess...” Lyude, crying: “No, Almarde, it’s not your fault. Don’t talk like that!” Almarde: “Go now... hurry...” Almarde: “Lyude... my darling boy...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:13 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
Not a second for tears to dry, we’re now being hunted actively and need to run.
Kalas, to Lyude still holding Almarde: “Lyude, we have to go.” Lyude, having stepped away: “...” Lyude: “They have the entrance to the house covered. We have to sneak out through the back.” Kalas exiting from between buildings in the next street over.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:16 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
The city is now crawling with soldiers we have to fight if we run into them.
First showing of the Confusion status effect: note how the numbers have moved between screenshots. It’s annoying but only a minor hindrance.
Kalas, Mizuti and Xelha facing three Imperial Soldiers. Combat screen showing Mizuti’s hand of cards. Note for instance that the 6 on the leftmost card is on the top edge. Combat screen showing Mizuti’s hand of cards. Note for instance that the 6 on the leftmost card is now on the right edge of the card.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:18 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
Our goal is the docks and Mélodia’s ship, which we’ll borrow to go to the Goldoba.
But that’ll be after a bit of farming, because those soldiers have some decent items and the upcoming boss is tough. That will be NEXT TIME.
Kalas standing in front of Mélodia’s ship, an exclamation mark over his head.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:00 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
Oh yeah, I missed those after we learned what got Lyude sent to Diadem. Legit great line from Gibari, he manages to be comic relief without being cringy.
Gibari: “Okay. That’s enough chit-chat about the past for today. Time to move.” Gibari: “No time for tiddly winks if we wanna save the world before supper.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:02 AM · Nov 15, 2020 Permalink
Finally, a nitpick that Mintaka being described as golden and compared to a gold nugget in shade is weird when it’s clearly based on BRASS instruments. Different material! Different color! Probably way more usable for building things or those silly boots!