Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:10 AM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Started late so only ended up checking on the NPC dialog in Mira and Mintaka, plus getting a few items from Capella.
So it’s another minor highlights thread!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:12 AM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Parnasse seems to finally have gotten the memo about events in the outside world. They still can’t believe Mélodia’s bad news, though.
Villager: “There’s an awful rumor that Lady Mélodia is leading the forces of darkness...” Villager: “She’s such a kind woman and would never even hurt a fly.” Other villager: “The transport ships from the Empire have suddenly stopped coming. Did something happen?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:13 AM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
We also get the resolution of the Great Pastry Feud, as the latest contest apparently ended in a draw. This caused Tisocco the pastry chef to get drunk enough to tell Trill he used to be engaged to his rival Donella.
DEEP LORE. Probably fun fanfic material. Moving on.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:15 AM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Balançoire features lines of dialog that did not update when we kidna- er removed the unfortunate Pollywhale from the watercourse to take it to its new frozen home.
Otherwise, not much is new.
Kid: “Huh? Pauly? Oh yeah, that name sounds familiar.” Kid: “Hey look, isn’t that him in the watercourse?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:17 AM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
In Mintaka, the demons are gone, the corpses have been removed, and the general theme is “existential crisis”.
Soldier: “Now that we’ve lost our leader, how are we supposed to keep living?” Soldier: “We can’t depend on support from the other nations forever, you know...” Soldier: “Maybe the dead are better off.” Mintaka citizen: “Urgh. Perhaps this is our due punishment for all the bad things we’ve done...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:20 AM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
I’m nooooot overly fond of the “spell has been lifted” aspect in how most of those NPCs start changing their minds.
It’s okay-ish with kids but way less believable in adults, alas.
Scalla: “Panaway’s back to his old self again. He’s nice again, just like old times.” Panaway: “I heard that someone from the outside settled the disturbance in the Imperial City.” Panaway: “Maybe one’s birthplace has no bearing on whether one is great or not...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:22 AM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Like, that’s the same kid that yelled at you for bumping into them, spooling out a worryingly well-built speech about superiority and duty.
It wasn’t just about “trying to please the Emperor”.
Kid: “Now that I think about it, I wonder why we put so much effort into trying to please the Emperor.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:25 AM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
The other big theme is “Let’s rebuild something better, starting with the city”.
Carrying on with the theme of moving forward and working together, though IMO Alfard also has a hell of a denazification process to go through.
Scalla’s Mother: “It’s going to be an uphill struggle. If everyone works together, we can restore this city.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:27 AM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
(My ideal post-game Alfard fanfic is a complex decade-long political drama about uprooting Imperial ideology, deradicalizing the average Mintakan, dealing with serious reparations and improvements with Azha, while handling rightful grudges from other nations whose help you need)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:28 AM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
And the last theme is “woopsee turns out we still need those barbaric skills after all”, which again would tie into a Nature Versus Machines theme if it was actually explored.
Citizen: “We’ve been so dependent on machines that no one knows how to make a fire anymore.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:30 AM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Next time: off to Azha see what’s up and see how the game sticks (or more likely fumbles) the landing on Savyna being a mass murderer with regrets.