Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:04 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
It’s time for Savyna’s quest!
Since the theme of the late game seems to be faceplanting on tying up the very interesting things setup in act 1, I’m, er, not optimistic.
Blanket content warning for discussion of mass murder since that’s the background event.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:05 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Context reminder: Azha village ended up surrounded by monsters and for some goddamn reason the Mad Wolf Unit ended up protecting them. Definitely not going to be awkward.
Said Unit is led by an old friend of Savyna, so we go in to help.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:06 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Azha is now completely empty of people, but there’s a new dot on the island map, for Nihal Desert.
Azha Village, not a soul in sight. Cave opening in a windswept sand desert. Title card: “Nihal Desert”.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:09 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Azdar, a bunch of soldiers with slightly fancier uniforms, and all of Azha’s population are inside the cave. Goal is to clear a route to get the villagers out.
To the capital? To a new settlement? Unclear.
Savyna: “You’re safe... We made it in time.” Azdar: “Boy am I glad to see you! We could really use your help here.” Azdar: “But there’s a nest of ghouls ahead that we weren’t able to get through.” Azdar: “With your help, we should be able to fight our way through it and reach the other side safely.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:13 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Savyna: “Understood. But... why didn’t you guys just leave to save your own hides?” Savyna: “The Azhani villagers must be making things difficult.” Savyna: “Why are you helping the ones you once helped to slaughter?” Azdar: “Hmmm, can’t say for sure...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:16 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
1) The villagers are RIGHT THERE.
2) “Making things difficult”. Really? Seriously?
3) Good question! That includes you though!
5) I get by now that the party overall doesn’t chime up in those quests but, er, *points at Lyude a lot*
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:19 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Just Following OrdersTM.
This is not really a coherent character arc for Azdar. Or if it is, it’s a really gross one.
Azdar: “Back then, we were on a mission.” Azdar: “As the world got caught up in this mess, I felt the least we could do is save what lives we can...” Azdar: “I’m not so sure myself. Some of my men have deserted to save their own necks.” Azdar: “I guess that’s somewhat understandable. At any rate, what brought you here?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:21 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Savyna’s answer isn’t much more useful.
Savyna, basically shrugging: “...” Azdar: “Hmmm. You’ve changed, Savyna. Well, let’s get some rest and set off first thing tomorrow.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:23 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
We get a callback to the girl who hid as soon as she saw Savyna, because Savyna murdered her dad in front of her.
... this is going to end with that girl talking again and forgiving isn’t it. Game, please don’t.
Savyna, shocked: “...?!” Girl, in a sepia flashback to our first time in Azha: “Get out of our village, you murderer!!” Girl, looking at Savyna: “...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:27 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
We then get a somewhat lengthy Savyna monologue with questionable portrait choices.
Also our one glance of how the party’s evenings must have looked a lot of the time.
(Lyude looks different on each screencap ‘cause he’s fixing that weird rifle of his, the others are static)
Savyna: “Hm... It’s so strange.” Savyna: “Being near Azha, the village where this whole mess started...” Savyna: “Being with the villagers...” Savyna: “[cont] even being allied with them...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:30 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Some smalltalk with Gibari, cementing the good relationship between those two.
Savyna: “I never saw this day coming.” Gibari: “I’d say life goes that way for everyone. More or less.” Gibari: “Not knowing what lies ahead is half the fun, right?” Savyna: “Maybe so.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:39 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Lyude not starting shit at any point is weird, Kalas not starting shit here is WAY WEIRDER.
Savyna: “Two years ago, after Operation Sweep...” Savyna: “I took part in another mission. Our target was in Mira. His name was Georg.” Savyna: “But all I could do was stand and watch as Giacomo and the others tore his place up. I just watched and [cont]” Savyna: “[cont] waited outside.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:42 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
It’s not a bad monologue, TBH. Nails down a few last characterization bits.
But the lack of open conflict is just so, so weird.
Savyna: “When it comes to fighting, I have no trouble getting the job done, without any fear or remorse. That [cont]” Savyna: “[cont] part of me will never change.” Savyna: “But from that point on, I knew I could never harm the innocent, the defenseless.” Savyna: “When I realized that, I turned my back on everything I had, and ran...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:46 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Like this. I’m willing to buy Kalas being moderately less hot-headed this far in, but... it’s just not /enough/ reaction.
This entire part of the game almost feels like first half-cut drafts rather than refined arcs.
Savyna: “Kalas... I was there that night, as an Imperial soldier.” Savyna: “When this battle is over... There’s no need to hesitate. Do what you need to do to avenge [cont]” Savyna: “[cont] them.” Kalas: “...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:48 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
Monologue keeps going...
Savyna: “The only thing I was taught as a child was how to fight, how to kill.” Savyna: “Some called me a killing machine... which was exactly what I was.” Savyna: “So that night, when part of me refused to fight, [cont]” Savyna: “All I could do was to drop everything and run away, to run as fast as I could...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:50 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
And going...
Savyna: “I already told you about what happened later, back in Anuenue.” Savyna: “I moved from place to place, and met one of the witches from Wazn.” Savyna: “She told me where to find a cause, something righteous to fight for...” Savyna: “So I waited there, in Anuenue, for my battle to begin... The waiting itself wasn’t so bad.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:54 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
[cw: discussion of suicidal ideation]
I do like that Gibari sees right through her! It’s a good exchange!
It’s like the dynamics /between/ characters are the best part of this game and the second half is underserved by having fewer of them HMMM
Gibari: “Savyna... You weren’t just waiting for a cause, were you?” Gibari: “You were waiting for somewhere to die, something to die for...” Savyna: “Hmm... Could be.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:57 PM · Dec 14, 2020 Permalink
The conversation wraps up, with what feels like both a callback and foreshadowing of a certain future scene on Xelha’s part.
Gibari: “Well, never mind. It’s just that I’ve never seen you so talkative.” Savyna: “Yeah... you’re right. I just felt like opening up, I guess.” Savyna: “I just needed someone to listen.” Xelha, eyes closed: “... Everyone has night like that...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:04 AM · Dec 15, 2020 Permalink
In the morning, we get some clarity about the upcoming quest...
Azdar: “My unit will scout ahead and see what’s out there.” Azdar: “Savyna, you and your friends should follow us at a short interval, securing the area.” Azdar: “I’ve asked the villagers to wait here for now.” Azdar: “Once we’ve secured an escape route, we’ll come back and escort them out.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:05 AM · Dec 15, 2020 Permalink
This lets us talk the the Azhani villagers, who SOMEHOW STILL HOLD A GRUDGE
Azhani villager: “We can’t forget what they’ve done to us, no matter how much they try to apologize.” Azhani villager: “They don’t understand how much we’ve suffered because of them...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:07 AM · Dec 15, 2020 Permalink
But also *facepalm*
Would it really be that hard to have a single “What we did was monstrous, it was WRONG, and the very least we can do to start on the path to making things right is saving you” line in there?
Azhani villager: “...Still, I wonder why they bother to help us...” Azhani villager: “I always thought they were cold-blooded animals. But maybe they still have a bit of human [cont]” Azhani villager: “[cont] kindness in their hearts.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:08 AM · Dec 15, 2020 Permalink
Anyhow, obligatory check with Corellia, and yep, there’s one here too.
I don’t think she’s worried about the right people here...
Savyna: “I’m worried about Azdar and his troops. Would you help me out?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:08 AM · Dec 15, 2020 Permalink
Also, snow displacement tech reuse!
Kalas carving a path through the knee-high sand.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:55 AM · Dec 15, 2020 Permalink
We’re told to pack water, so we go fill all our Blank Magnus at the... very limited stockpile that’s being guarded. 
Villager: “If you’re gonna travel in the desert, don’t forget to take along some pristine water.” Villager: “Without it, you’ll surely dehydrate and pass out from the heat and sandstorms.” Other Villager: “My job’s to keep guard over our precious water supply and make sure no one tries to steal from it.” Textbox: “Magna Essence of the Pristine Water has been trapped in a Blank Magnus.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:57 AM · Dec 15, 2020 Permalink
The desert looks like this: bunch of ghoul-esque monsters around, a compass pointing us to Azdar, and blue lights indicating water sources.
The monsters are another palette swap of the demons we’ve met on Alfard, but their description... Oh no.
Kalas standing in the desert, partially obscured by a sandstorm. Combat screen, showing the party facing a demon wielding two swords. Combat drops screen, focused on a Laramooga photo. “One of the desert people killed in Operation Sweep. His hatred and bitterness combined with Malpercio’s power brought him back. Wanders in: Nihal Desert”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:59 AM · Dec 15, 2020 Permalink
There are a bunch of lost NPCs around who need water and give us items for our trouble. It’s the usual minor optional light puzzle stuff.
Lost villager: “By the way, you don’t happen to have some water on you, do you?” Lost villager: “Phew... I thought I was gonna die from thirst. Thanks a lot, stranger.” Textbox: “You’ve obtained a Magnus: Red Impulse”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:01 AM · Dec 15, 2020 Permalink
Sidenote that the spell / level 8 finisher Xelha got in the Book of Magic is actually an instakill by drowning? BRUTAL.
(I’m guessing bosses are immune to the Death “status effect”)
Inventory screen, focused on Seal of Water. “ATK 235 (Water 180), 100% chance of Death. Water-based arcane spell mastered by Xelha. Conjures droplets which turn into columns of water around the enemy, causing death by suffocation.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:03 AM · Dec 15, 2020 Permalink
Anyway, why do we need all that water, NOT the deadly conjured type? Because every screen change (and a random, I assume timer-based tick) consumes some.
And if we run out Kalas just faceplants in the sand and passes out.
There are a bunch of oases we can restock at.
A Pristine Water fading into a Blank Magnus. The screen blurred, Kalas having fallen face-first into the sand.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:05 AM · Dec 15, 2020 Permalink
If we do run out, Azdar apparently grudgingly drags us back to base, which... sure, okay.
Kalas: “How did I get back here?” Kid: “A man wearing a turban brought you here.” Kid: “He said he went out to look for you, because you never showed up.” Kalas: “We’ve been saved too many times. Let’s be more careful from now on.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:07 AM · Dec 15, 2020 Permalink
And on a last bit of Getting Dunked On By Smartass Kids, that’ll be it for today ‘cause it’s late.
Next time: the boss and probably one more pile of text.
Kid: “The man wearing a turban was really upset, and said you should be more careful.” Kid: “You shouldn’t do things that upset people, you know.”