Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:25 PM · Dec 17, 2020 Permalink
Guess who ended up working until midnight because they’re awful at sewing and on a deadline, woops.
So today is just going to be terrible boss plus dialog and then SLEEP.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:42 PM · Dec 17, 2020 Permalink
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:33 AM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
So, after a solid 24 hours of idling in Zosma tower because the shampoo timer is still ticking, we get to the last floor down.
Kamroh, Krumly, Kee and the projections of Mizuti’s parents plus two others (Kee’s parents?) are chanting when we arrive, awakening... something.
The aforementioned Children of the Earth, kneeling or standing in front of a complex glowing symbol. Ancient Wizards, now a dark face in a glowing halo: “Why do you disturb my slumber?” Great Kamroh: “The world is in dire straits due to the resurrection of Malpercio.” Great Kamroh: “We come to ask you for the Ring of Stars, which you have wielded in times past.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:36 AM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
The thing blasts them away as a test, but Mizuti gets there before more damage can be done.
We keep having flawless timing on all those quests, it’s truly remarkable.
Ancient Wizards: “Hmm... And do you deserve to receive the Ring of Stars?” Ancient Wizards: “Very disappointing. The Ring of Stars will not be wielded by the likes of you.” Great Mizuti, now standing between the glowing figure and the knocked-out Children of the Earth: “Stop! Stop! Stop it! The Great Mizuti won’t allow this to happen!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:39 AM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
There isn’t a sliver of reverence or fear in Mizuti, even when facing the ancestors that shaped the very powers Mizuti wields, and that is delightful.
Ancient Wizards: “Hmmm... and who might you be?” Great Mizuti: “Mizuti. The Great Mizuti! Just wait. There.” Great Mizuti, kneeling next to Kee: “You be all right, Kee?” Kee: “Yeah... it’s nothing.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:42 AM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
Because this is a character sidequest however, it’s Trying To Tie Off The Character Arc Mizuti Doesn’t Really Get time.
Great Mizuti: “Why not wait for the Great Mizuti? The Great Mizuti would never let Kee down.” Kee: “Because you’re out doing your best... Fighting so hard for us...” Great Mizuti: “No, no, no... Kee doesn’t need to worry about that.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:45 AM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
This would benefit from being developed a bit more, but there isn’t really room earlier due to how rushed the Duhr plot arc is.
I like that it isn’t threatened masculinity or that kind of nonsense, but genuine concern that Mizuti isn’t getting to live as a person.
Kee: “When we would go out together, you’d always call yourself “the Great Mizuti” and take the lead, [cont]” Kee: “[cont] so the monsters would ignore us and attack you.” Kee: “But you no longer need to be the Great Mizuti for us.” Kee: “All of us should work together, every one of us, not just... one mighty hero.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:47 AM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
Kee: “Please have a character arc”
Kee: “Just be Mizuti, just the way you are, okay?” Great Mizuti: “Okay... Kee should get a little rest.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:52 AM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
Mizuti’s headed for a burnout before hitting 30yo at this pace, I’m telling you.
Anyhow, it’s boss time. Just like in Wazn, pick a random card and pray. Plus camera.
I was lucky and got through on first try with a photo, but note Mizuti’s HP.
Mizuti: “Okay. The Great Mizuti be ready!! The Great Mizuti be here for the Ring of Stars.” Mizuti: “Show the Great Mizuti what you’ve got!” Mizuti facing a giant shadow Mizuti. The hand of cards is all face-down. Mizuti has 4918HP. The boss looking a bit worse for wear. Info text: “You may proceed...”. Mizuti has 1778HP remaining.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:55 AM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
Mizuti gets recognized as a worthy heir of the Ancient Wizards, and gets a level 8 finisher.
No, we never get to find out what the “Ring of Stars” is. The finisher drops a giant mask on the ground. Surely that’s not it?
Ancient Wizards: “Take it, take the Ring of Stars... You should be able to make good use of it. I wish you good luck, dear [cont]” Ancient Wizards: “[cont] descendant...” Textbox: “You’ve obtained a Magnus: Alias Fall”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:58 AM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
Kee should be president of the Mizuti Fan Club.
Note the nametag changes on Mizuti. Neat, but a bit undermined by still using “Great” in dialog when challenging the Wizard Shadow!
Kee: “Wow, Mizuti! You’re as great as always!” Mizuti: “No no no... It be thanks to Kee, the Great Kamroh, Krumly, everyone!” Great Mizuti: “But, then again, [cont]” Great Mizuti: “[cont] The Great Mizuti still deserves to be called the Great...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:01 AM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
Of course this prompts the usual scolding from Mizuti’s mother, and the usual permissiveness from Mizuti’s father.
Which doesn’t have the healthiest implications for their relationship but does make for good banter.
Kay: “Mizuti!!” Koh: “Come now, my dear. Why don’t we let it pass just this once.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:03 AM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
And we conclude on a last bit of humor, because it turns out Mizuti’s parents CAN agree on Mizuti going too far and still being such a kid.
That final part is really fun and sweet, I like it a lot.
Key: “Oh, dear me. Father will never learn...” Great Mizuti: “No he won’t.” Father and Mother, as Mizuti falls on the floor: “Mizuti!” Great Mizuti: “Erm... yes?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:04 AM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
I then went to class up everyone, fiddle with decks and finish the Constellation quest, but that’ll get tweeted tomorrow because SLEEP.
Next time: wrapping things up all around the world, and maybe opening Cor Hydrae.