Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:40 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
Well, it’s time. Let’s go crack Cor Hydrae open, I recall that involving a pile of dialog and some awkward special effects.
I’ll drag my feet through it and probably spend two or three sessions in there, getting some items and letting the darn shampoo morph.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:56 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
RIGHT, it comes with a serving of philosophizing by way of “okay maybe the subtext got missed”, I did not recall that.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:06 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
But first! Look who’s here now that we’ve wrapped up Mizuti’s quest.
Kee is definitely running the Mizuti fan club.
Kee: “Mizuti is really the best! I believe in you, Great Mizuti! Mizuti will save the world.” Kee: “You can count on me, too! I can help in all kinds of ways... like helping the injured soldiers.” Great Kamroh: “What a wonderful view.” Krumly: “We’ve made it above the clouds at last, but I feel a little uneasy.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:07 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
One last bit from Mizuti’s parents.
Kay: “Mizuti, you tend to get carried away.” Kay: “But remember we’re always proud of you, Mizuti.” Koh: “Your mother talks like that, but deep down she understands you.” Koh: “You can call yourself Great Mizuti, if you like. Be strong, as a Child of the Earth.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:12 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
This time there’s no one saying they have unfinished business, off we go.
Corellia: “Are you ready to invade Cor Hydrae, now?” Corellia: “The forces of darkness have increased their attacks by twofold. We must hurry, Kalas, Xelha.” Dialog choice: “Okay, let’s go.” or “No, not yet.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:15 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
Situation overview again: it’s very bad. No surprise there. Again I wish this direness was a bit more visible on-screen, but I get why it isn’t!
(I also guess a tragedy barely visible unless you’re on a frontline or getting hurt directly is a bit too real right now...)
Corellia, eyes downcast: “Well, everyone. Our situation isn’t exactly favorable.” Ladekahn: “Indeed not. Each nation’s food and medicine supplies are running low.” Calbren: “Our soldiers are exhausted. They won’t last forever. We have to do something.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:19 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
Two of the witches come in, with impeccable timing as always, because there is a plan based on the same somewhat silly plot point from way back.
It makes a bit more sense this time because it doesn’t involve channeling stuff through people via crosses OR SOMETHING
Kodelle: “Our apologies for keeping you waiting. Preparations are complete. All nations are ready.” Xelha: “You have a plan for attacking Cor Hydrae Castle?” Corellia: “You told us Melodia used the power of the five islands to release the End Magnus.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:21 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
Enters Kamroh, who has Concerns.
Great Kamroh: “You’re suggesting that we gather the power of the End Magnus, remaining in each island, and throw [cont]” Great Kamroh: “[cont] it at the Shield?!” Great Kamroh: “Now that the End Magnus have been released, [cont]” Great Kamroh: “[cont] each island is barely kept afloat by its remaining power...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:24 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
The islands crashing does sound bad, but hey we’re out of options.
Ladekahn probably means “all” as in “leaders” because consulting the population likely did not happen.
Enters the prodigal man (?) Lord Rodolfo.
Great Kamroh: “If that power was to be depleted, the islands could fall...” Ladekahn: “We are all well aware of the dangers involved.” Off-screen voice: “Then you will definitely need my help.” Corellia: “Lord Rodolfo?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:27 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
This manages to be in-character for both Rodolfo and Catranne, bring a much-needed bit of light comedic relief, AND stay aligned with the game’s thesis thanks to Calbren’s bit. It works well!
Rodolfo: “How could I hide myself when there’s a battle to be won?” Catranne: “Wow, listen to him. He only agreed to help after some serious threatening on our part.” Rodolfo: “*Coughs awkwardly*” Calbren: “The reason is unimportant. It is your presence here that counts.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:28 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
(Someone write that scene of the witches threatening Rodolfo because my GOODNESS it could be glorious especially if Catranne takes point)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:31 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
Gonna have to make to with four islands though, because there’s no one leading Alfard anymore... OR IS THERE.
(We’ll see soon, I’d forgotten that bit)
Rodolfo: “By the way... what has become of the Empire? Who will take charge?” Calbren: “We can’t expect too much from them. We will have them assume their positions, just in case, [cont]” Calbren: “[cont] but now that Geldoblame is gone, there is no one to lead the people and bring out the full potential of [cont]” Calbren: “[cont] that island.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:33 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
And that’s this bit wrapped up. There’s a plan, Calbren again reminds us to save his little girl, Kalas agrees, and we go get some rest.
(I’m endlessly weirded out by the various phrasings around Cor Hydrae: Cor Hydrae Castle, Cor Hydrae, The Cor Hydrae)
Ladekahn: “As mentioned earlier, we will take care of the Shield.” Corellia: “Wait for an opening, and storm directly in to the Cor Hydrae!” Calbren: “I beg of you, please save my Melodia... Please save her soul...” Corellia: “The final battle will take place tomorrow!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:59 PM · Dec 18, 2020 Permalink
We then get another one of those making-plot-connections-explicit sessions. Those are always awkward, though they could also be a lot worse.
Lyude’s on duty for this one, with Gibari providing the required “Hmmm that IS a good question” to not make it a complete monologue.
Lyude: “There’s one thing I don’t understand...” Lyude: “Melodia and Malpercio seem to have somehow linked their minds together. Any ideas why or how?” Gibari: “Yeah... She used Geldoblame to unseal the five End Magnus, and resurrect Malpercio.” Xelha: “Maybe she was first linked with the End Magnus in Mira.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:02 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
Tying it back to Georg, who was arguably also a god puppet of sorts while creating Kalas and Fee...
Lyude: “My point is that something tells me both Melodia and Dr. Georg were controlled by the will of Malpercio...” Lyude: “[cont] whether they were aware of it or not...” Lyude: “Yet, if that were indeed the case, it would be quite puzzling.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:05 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
The question of Malpercio’s will gets... weird, overall. Whether Malpercio even is an entity in itself, whether it’s controlled or controlling, all that remains really open even at the end.
Meaning I’m not as sure that this apparent contradiction is one.
Lyude: “On one side we have Melodia and her cohorts, [cont]” Lyude: “[cont] attempting to unleash the End Magnus and take over the world.” Lyude: “On the other we have Dr. Georg, striving to create a being who could bring about Malpercio’s [cont]” Lyude: “[cont] destruction...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:08 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
Hammering the point some more...
In a way I’m GLAD that stuff stays somewhat vague, hypothetical and unresolved, because:
1) that’s fitting for abstract godly nonsense;
2) trying to always explain and justify everything in detail is how you get Kingdom Hearts.
Gibari, looking confused: “Hmmm... that is weird, now that you mention it.” Lyude: “Dr. Georg’s experiments were aimed at creating a Magnus of Life.” Lyude: “This would be the exact opposite of the End Magnus, which are symbols of death and destruction.” Lyude: “My point is that Kalas and Malpercio may have been destined to fight one another.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:12 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
This leads us into Philosophy 101 With Xelha.
Each of those contradictions she highlights gets a “...” from the relevant character, starting with Lyude.
(Though I’d argue that’s a dreadfully bad read of the tension in his character)
Savyna, thoughtful: “That’s the way of the world.” Xelha, thoughtful: “...Everyone lives with contradictions of some sort or another...” Xelha: “The desire to be sincere and loyal to others, and the urge to drop everything, lie back and care about [cont]” Xelha: “[cont] nothing...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:14 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
Gibari (also a mediocre read), Mizuti (also not great!), Savyna (oversimplified but mostly on target?).
... Y’know I think my conclusion here is that Xelha’s pretty bad at reading people
Xelha: “We want to be free, but also want to feel secure...” Xelha: “We want to protect someone dear to us, but at the same time, we simply want to abandon them...” Xelha: “We want to live on, but also want to give up and die...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:16 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
My version would be something like...
Gibari’s terrified of responsibility, but cares too damn much to stop helping and protecting people.
Mizuti wants to help so much that others saying “No, I want to do this myself” or “Let me help” is near-impossible to process.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:18 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
Savyna’s processing the kind of immense guilt that leads to wanting to disappear, for darn good reasons, versus the basic instinct to stay alive, leading to a search for purpose. But the guilt’s not going to go away, nor should it.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:20 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
As for Lyude, “the urge to care about nothing” is so far off the mark to me? Much of the tension is external, it’s “natural” loyalty versus moral values, with a massive pile of related trauma thrown on top. He cares, always has, always will, that’s the core of the character.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:24 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
Even at the worst of the Phantom Goldoba, it’s never “I want the pain to stop”, it’s “How am I supposed to carry on when I’ve done nothing good”. Those are DIFFERENT concerns.
Anyhow. Xelha turns her oh-so-sharp analysis on Malpercio and turns subtext into text again.
Xelha: “She is Malpercio’s curse to the world, Kalas must be his prayer...” Xelha: “Yes... I won’t claim to know for sure what Malpercio thinks and desires, [cont]” Xelha: “[cont] but something tells me that’s how it is...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:27 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
As mentioned, the concept of Malpercio’s will gets weird. The contradictory drives is pretty basic psychoanalysis stuff. I like that’s it’s not just a cartoony chuckling evil, but something harder to comprehend.
IIRC this is mostly setup for some stuff in Cor Hydrae.
Gibari: “Is everything just a game, determined at the whim of some god enjoying himself at our [cont]” Gibari: “[cont] expense?” Kalas: “No... This is no game.” Kalas: “This is Malpercio’s will. It’s his first and final decision, putting himself at stake.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:29 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
Everyone then goes the hell to bed, probably with a headache, and we get a quick snapshot of the absurdly ornate interior of Cor Hydrae.
Malpercio all curled up like the strangest cat is almost sweet.
Melodia: “...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:31 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
The morning has a bit of Guardian Spirit Thanks, and back up to the audience room we go.
Kalas: “Well... this is the big day. The end of the line.” Kalas: “We’ve been through a lot together, and it was a hell of a ride, thanks to you.” Kalas: “That night, way back, in the Forest of Spirits... I’m glad it was you who came to me.” Kalas: “Let’s go out with a bang! We can do this together, okay?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:39 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
Go time! Everyone gets back to their islands in record time, and we hop onto our trusty dragon (whose wings definitely look translucent but seems to be rendered opaque since they hide the characters, I’m gonna have to check that).
Kodelle: “We’re all set. Just give the word...” Corellia: “Very well, all of you, to your positions. I wish you the best of luck!” Xelha, as the entire party is on dragonback: “... This is it!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:42 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
The islands can apparently just be moved around? And Mira’s stuck-between-dimensions status is moot?
Whatever, this whole part is ugly as sin both due to tech limitations and what I’ll politely call unfortunate color coordinating, which is a shame.
People in Pherkad: “The land is moving...” People in Nashira: “The final battle has begun...” Anuénué, Diadem and Alfard sailing through the sky. The five islands seen from above, gathering around Cor Hydrae.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:46 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
It’s the obligatory Gather Everyone We Have Met And Make Magic Happen moment!
How are they talking to each other at those distances. Are radios canon in this world. I have questions.
Corellia, at the base of the Celestial Tree, surrounded by Cavaliers, the three witches, Mayfee and some Keepers: “Is everyone ready?” Ladekahn, in the Shrine of Winds, surrounded by Knights plus Anna and Reblys: “On your word.” Rodolfo, at the Moonguile spring, surrounded by a couple Sadal Suud men, plus Children of the Earth and Krumly: “Any time you wish.” Calbren, in the Shrine of Spirits, surrounded by the two pastry chefs, Melodia’s maid, Trill, Kee, Kamroh, Mizuti’s parents and some Children of the Earth: “Yes... let us begin.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:49 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
Each leader Does The Thing, creating a beam of elemental energy that strikes the shield. Repeat times four, actually some solid VFX work there.
Alas it’s not enough.
Corellia surrounded by a beam of light. A beam of light goes from Anuénué to the Cor Hydrae shield. Four beams of light coming from all islands except Alfard, striking the shield. Glasmyss: “No! It’s not working!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:52 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
Monsters move in, battles start...
(If this thread was in French this would be “Les carottes sont-elles cuites?”, yes as a reference to THAT, no I’m not sorry, yes you may curse me out now that the song is stuck in your head)
Catranne: “Oh no! Why now!” Reblys: “Damn! The shield is still up! They’ll never get in!” Krumly: “We have failed...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:54 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
Another voice joins in, a beam of fire shoots from Alfard...
Offscreen voice: “Not so fast, people!” Corellia, as a beam of fire strikes the shield from Alfard: “...!! What is that?” Ladekahn: “It is coming from Alfard! The power of its End Magnus!” Calbren: “But who is it? With Geldoblame dead, who would be able to invoke Alfard’s power?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:57 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
It’s our two chaotic-goons-in-redemption. As they point out, they got exposed to the End Magnus, so this is their stuff.
The Mad Wolves are standing guard.
Ayme: “We’re in control down here!” Folon: “This island is in good hands. No need for worry.” Imperial Soldiers at the front, shooting monsters down. Azdar: “Stay sharp! The fight has just begun!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:00 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
The beams glow some more, my eyes bleed a twinge, the shield breaks and we fly in.
Final dungeon: Cor Hydrae Castle!
The shield around Cor Hydrae shattering like glass. Kalas, as the beams disappear: “They got through!” The White Dragon flying towards Cor Hydrae. A large room in gloomy light, the floor and walls covered in ornate patterns, primarily in blues, pinks and reds. Title card: “Cor Hydrae Castle”.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:03 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
We get a glimpse of the Siblings Gods.
I’ve got questions about exactly what else Lyude expected from breaking into the stronghold of ancient gods.
Kalas, as five ghostly giants surround the party, each with a different body part wreathed in blue fire: “What the... What are they?!” Xelha: “Oh no... The gods... The ones they crafted the End Magnus with?!” Gibari: “What? Ghosts of the gods? This just gets better and better.” Lyude, after the ghosts have disappeared: “It seems we may have more trouble than we bargained for...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:06 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
I love this exchange so much. Mizuti’s tone, Savyna’s “if I can punch it it can die”, so good.
Great Mizuti: “The Great Mizuti be invincible. Utterly. Totally... but not against ghosts. Not quite. Exception.” Savyna: “Don’t worry. If we can hit them, we can defeat them.” Great Mizuti: “You be sure?” Savyna: “Positive... I hate ghosts, too.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:09 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
I don’t really get the follow-up, though. Maybe something got lost in translation?
If Savyna has said she was afraid of ghosts I’d get it - “You? Afraid?” - but she just said she hates them.
Savyna, the entire party looking her way: “What is it?” Kalas, looking mischievous: “Umm... Nothing...” Savyna, looking annoyed: “Heh.” Gibari: “Let’s get a move on! We don’t have time for ghost stories!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:10 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
Annoyingly, Cor Hydrae has monsters on the save point map, and I can’t be arsed to fight them just yet, so instead I get back out to go idle elsewhere overnight.
Yes, you can leave, which makes no narrative sense but is GREAT.
How about Wazn, to go check on the Sculptor?
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:16 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
The sculpture is done, and has floating bits. Truly great sculpting skills there. Don’t know that I agree with that description.
No reward or anything, just a fun little side thing.
Inspection text: “This sculpture of Kalas combines the edginess of a young rebel with the makings of an honorable hero [cont]” Inspection text: “[cont] with a good heart.” Xelha, looking pleased: “Oh, doesn’t this look nice? It looks great, Kalas.” Kalas: “Hmm? Ugh... yeah, thanks.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:18 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
Sidenote while I’m at it: the smiling portraits are sometimes described as “squinty”.
To which I’ll answer that the J in “JRPG” does NOT stand for “the characters are coded white”. They’re not, though us Westerners often parse light-skinned JRPG characters that way.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:21 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
The art direction in BK apparently changed partway through, moving away from cartoonish large eyes and towards more “realistic” proportions to appeal to the Western market more.
Doesn’t mean the characters are implied white.
*gets off soapbox*
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:22 AM · Dec 19, 2020 Permalink
And with that, we’ll let the emulator churn some more and go slaughter a bunch of stuff in the demon castle tomorrow.
Next time: some screenshots of a very weird and pretty place!